freak show horror film festival
Founded in 2005 by filmmaker Robert Massetti, the festival showcases some of the best independent horror films from around the world.

The Festival showcases independent films in the horror genre and gives filmmakers the exposure they need to continue with their art.
We are a group of filmmakers and lovers of the art of film. Founder Robert Massetti has been involved in the film industry most of his life.
Our goal is to expose lovers of film to films they might not get a chance to see anywhere else and meet the people involved.

2025 Press Passes
FSHFF Media Accreditation
Application for Press Accreditation can be found below. *Please read all guidelines found below and fill out the application for the 2025 event.* (Not all applications will be approved.)
All credentialed media for the Festival must be on editorial assignment and should be able to provide proof of coverage along with appropriate circulation, viewership and listenership information on their respective outlet. Complimentary press access to public screenings and events of the Festival may be granted to accredited media only, and not their guests, and only for the purpose of:
- Reviewing films
- Background on filmmaker interviews
- Features and other Festival coverage
- Coverage of the Festival as a whole
The Festival Press Office reserves the right to approve or deny press comp requests for public Festival screenings and all Festival programs.
Media receiving credentials for FREAK SHOW Horror Film Festival may film, tape, or photograph all red carpet events, pre- and post-screening interviews, and lifestyle elements. Credentialed media may not use footage of any film shown at the Festival, only clips/footage approved by the festival or the filmmakers/studio. Streaming of any Festival films or events is strictly prohibited and the Festival reserves streaming rights for all Festival content and events. Media outlets may upload still images from red carpet events and pre- and post-screening interviews from the Festival. Photography should be for editorial use only. Any other use, including but not limited to commercial use and promotional use, is expressly prohibited and strictly enforced. Still images and footage may not be used for any commercial or retail purposes, and may only be used for promotional purposes with written permission of the person(s) depicted in such image(s). Print and online media may create capsule reviews, feature articles, and mentions for any Festival film regardless of format, on the condition that reviews for films with US distribution be held until the film is released commercially.* Any violations of these guidelines will result in revocation of media credential(s) and removal from the Festival, and may result in legal action.
Credentialed media for the Festival may review all Festival films on the condition that reviews for films with distribution agreements are held until the film opens commercially. As a courtesy, the Festival also asks that any Festival film review indicate that the film was shown at the 20th Annual Freak Show Horror Film Festival. Reviews for films without distribution agreements at the time of their selection for the Festival may be run at any time and are encouraged. For the purposes of this year’s Festival, reviews are defined as articles, essays, website/ blog posts, or any other critically focused pieces longer than a mention or capsule review that reflects a tone of subjective judgment or opinion. Capsule reviews, feature articles, and mentions are permissible for all films, regardless of distribution status. Capsule reviews are defined as short blurbs, including opinion, of 90 words or less. Feature articles may include stories written about a film’s production, the filmmaker, or cast – including interviews – and are typically 200 words or longer. Mentions are defined as film title lists or a brief description of a film, typically 25 words or less, as part of a larger article.